24 Search Results for Tag: Grief Collection

Damn – Nat Lefkoff

I’m here again because I’m sad.

Which is kinda OK really – this being the music to grieve to playlist – but it’s more than the normal sadness – and while it’s not quite despair – it does feel overwhelming.

I could give you the exact point in time and particular reference – which you would all understand, if not necessarily appreciate – but that’s not the point of tracks like this…

Damn - Nat Lefkoff

Insecure – Max Million (Feat. Maria B)

Insecure is a thought provoking and self empowering anthem, created on the soul purpose to inspire and uplift.

Featuring Mariea B adding a Rythmic Blues

Insecure - Max Million (Feat. Maria B)

Gin & Lemonade – TOVE

Who’s up for an alcohol induced ascent above the madness? And I’m not talking about some upbeat energetic overview where you’re in a balloon or an airplane and you’re feeling great about it all – no – I’m talking about a loose edged experience, laid back and fuzzy, where ‘cos you can’t see the ground, you don’t have to worry about it…

Gin & Lemonade - TOVE

The Overnight Parade – Lazy Activists

Ever found yourself singing along to a lyric that in retrospect makes no sense at all – but at the time – couldn’t have been any more perfect? And I don’t mean just singing – I mean throwing your head back and wailing like a drunken banshee as you attempt to expel the pit of grief from your stomach…

Yes! I thought you might have – me too – if so – you’ll probably dig this track…

The Overnight Parade - Lazy Activists

Lull Yourself to Sleep – Freya Ward

Time ticks by, the world changes, people change, culture changes and yet – somethings don’t.

The ebb and flow of joy and grief – both experienced in contrast to the other – is a constant that the human condition will never escape. Right now joy’s in short supply and grief seems to be dominating the planet – but if history tells us anything – it’s that this too shall pass…

Lull Yourself to Sleep - Freya Ward

Magdalena’s Song – First the Winter

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend on the Grieve to list of late where – for one reason or another – the tracks are becoming a little more optimistic – a little more hopeful. And while yes – there are times when that’s appropriate – it’s the sadness of a track that we’re drawn to – the pure melancholy of a love remembered or a life cut short – or – as with this week’s track – both!..

Magdalena's Song - First the Winter

Show On The Road – Tom Freund

Are we doomed?

Is this how it’s going to be?


Damn I hope not…

Show On The Road - Tom Freund

Experimental Mice – First the Winter

Do you have hope?

I know – it’s a heavy question – particularly at this time of writing when the corona virus is reshaping the planet – but – maybe because of that – the question has validity.


Do you?

Do you really?

Do you have hope?…

Experimental Mice - First the Winter

To Love – Jon Worthy & The Bends

I’ve been thinking a lot about Music to Grieve To and and about what kind of playlist I want it to be. The idea is solid – both for the audience – in that listening to sad music is good for you – and for artists because hell, if you can’t write a sad song – then – maybe this game isn’t for you!..

To Love - Jon Worthy & The Bends

Tolling of the Fire Bell – Fiona Joy Hawkins, Jill Haley, Eugene Friesen

It’s taken me a while to write this – I don’t know why – maybe it’s because I’m looking at it from the outside in – knowing that I should feel grief for what’s happening – and yet – not quite connecting with it.

It’s not like I don’t have ties to Australia – my sister’s family live in Sydney – I’ve seen pictures of their favorite beach nothing but flames. Hell, I live in California where towns are getting wiped out every year and the idea of LA burning up doesn’t seem so strange…

Tolling of the Fire Bell - Fiona Joy Hawkins, Jill Haley, Eugene Friesen

How Listening To Sad Music Can Make You Feel Better

Listening to sad music after losing a loved one, being diagnosed with a terminal illness, or finalizing a divorce might seem counterintuitive, but this somber sounding activity has been proven to help.

How Listening To Sad Music Can Make You Feel Better

Attempting to Break the Stigma Surrounding Grief

Andrew and I have been working together for nearly five years now. When he came to me with the idea for his latest project, it didn’t take him much convincing for me to jump on board; I trusted his vision and believed his passion. His idea was to start a record label that produced albums focused around the solution it provided…
Breaking the stigma around grief