Careful with this song in the middle it kinda… oh, you’ll see. It’s crazy how little people think about themselves, isn’t it? I sound like I’m advocating for narcissism, so let me explain. I don’t mean in a good way, or a bad way, I mean really take the time to introspect. We as humans are social creatures, spending a large majority of our time thinking about others in good ways, bad ways, odd ways. For some reason though, it’s hard for people to look past the surface of their own self, to the point where there is an astounding amount of people that walk around on this planet not really knowing who they are. Why they like what they do. Why they dislike what they do. Why they believe in what they do. Why they choose to keep on living in the first place.
You’re the one person that you know for a fact you’re going to have to live with and put up with on a daily, hourly, minute by minute basis from the day you’re born to the day you die. Because of that alone, you should be very much interested in who you are. If you’re unable to answer in full for why you do what you do, why you think how you think, why you are who you are, and who you are, then how are you anyone at all? Sure there’s what others perceive of you, but unless you really fully know yourself, then no one does, and at that point how are you anyone? Get to know yourself, and if you don’t like what you see, then I have good news: you have total control over you.