“Too little time in life.” It’s a phrase that is usually said in the negative. Too little time to do the things you want. Too little time to spend with loved ones. Too little time to live life. It’s often said alongside regrets and reminiscence. We as humans focus so much on what we could have done, how we could have lived, how we should have lived. In every aspect of life we compare ourselves to others and say we aren’t good enough, and too often the reflections of our lives meet the same fate. Side by side with what could have been, how things could have played out.
I think we could flip the phrase. I certainly try to. “Too little time in life.” Let’s say there is too little time in life. Why waste it worrying? Why use so much of it exhausting yourself emotionally and spiritually? Things like being extremely cheap, not wanting to spend any money. Why? Money is just a resource, the whole point is to use it. Why dread at the thought of having less of it. Does that make your life less worth living? Does it limit the joy you can allow yourself to find in things? Of course it won’t be easy, but no life is. If there truly is too little time in life, why not spend each precious moment living it?