I'm being totally cheeky this week and "borrowing / stealing" a track from one of my fellow curators. We have a fabulous new list called "Music to Satisfy Your Inner Jellyfish" and it is as groovily eclectic as the name sounds!
Why this track? 'Cos I've been building all day - hitting keys on the keyboard - writing a bit of code here, a bit of text there - sourcing an image to accompany a track and generally being glued to the screen. This track has been on repeat for the last 45 minutes and it's working perfectly.
There's enough of a groove to keep me going when I flag - the trumpet playing is just astonishing but it's not one of those over flashy jam sessions that dissolve into chaotic nonsense - it's super tight and recognizable as a discrete entity. Some of the interplay between the instruments is amazing and the underlying bass line just makes you grin.
You can learn more about Donald Byrd here:
About the Curator: Andrew McCluskey
The first visual memory I have is that of the white upright piano in Singapore, Hell and the dark forces lived at the bottom, Heaven and the Angels at the top. They would play battles through my fingers and I was hooked.
Although I've always played, I haven't always been a musician. Most of my twenties were spent working with people, buying and selling and learning how the world works. It was in my thirties that I came to America and focused on music and began to develop music2work2.