Why do people change?, why did you change in a particular way?, a certain mindset?, how long did it take you to realize you were on the way of turning into a new person in a very specific topic or situation?
There are a variety of reasons for us to change, but many times there are not the same amount of answers. Sometimes we simply... Evolve, move on; something snapped or burned differently inside our brains that will never make us feel the same way.
Of course this works best when "the new you" changed for good, because not everything is joy and happiness. Hopefully whatever morphed you for the worse built its way on a smaller threshold and will not be as active as the good stuff.
We must reach certain equilibrium because usually the bad stuff weighs a lot more than the good stuff, not for everybody of course but human minds tend to darkness if only for a brief period of time.
Make sure your equilibrium diet involves a lot of good stuff to soothe the darkness, for darkness can also be your friend and help you evolve.
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About the Curator: yorgos pedbra
Yorgos has been listening to music and discovering different genres/subgenres for over 20 years now, and it all truly began for him with Gorillaz, Daft Punk, and Audioslave.
Those bands marked his music taste for what he is today, it also helped him develop a very strange yet interesting personality (although he's never really been too eager to socialize constantly). He's a pretty laidback guy who's easy to talk to but can sometimes be misinterpreted because of his dry and accentuated way of speaking and thinking. He's good willed and harmless.
While he's always had trouble reading because of apprehensive problems he's always had a thing for philosophy, and philosophizing. This is also a very important thing for him when it comes to music. He is a natural overthinker and music is one of the subjects.
Nature is also a very appealing thing to him, it's what drives his feelings into the very best version of themselves.