It took you a while, right?, you should’ve snapped earlier (much earlier) but it took you this long. No worries, you’re already here, better late than never.
This one is for those times it took us a pretty long time to finally do something and then realize that you were an idiot. A lot of people tend to overthink the smallest of things, things that usually will benefit you in the biggest way you could imagine because of your little expectations.
Many times these are no small feats, and overthinking might be more valid, but in the end it’s all the same: a baby step you could’ve taken a very long time ago that turned out just great. Sometimes all you have to do is… Just do it.
Now, there are people that even after going for it are still not satisfied and to them I can only suggest to either try something else or re-establish your expectations, because there are a TON of things we take for granted, and may of this things aren’t really there for us to simply take them.
As I read from Osho (applied to bloody everything): If you fail at something you’ve been pushing hardly, just try again. No problem, but be mindful about it and try to notice what you’re doing “wrong”.
You can learn more about DJ Harrison here
About the Curator: yorgos pedbra
Yorgos has been listening to music and discovering different genres/subgenres for over 20 years now, and it all truly began for him with Gorillaz, Daft Punk, and Audioslave.
Those bands marked his music taste for what he is today, it also helped him develop a very strange yet interesting personality (although he's never really been too eager to socialize constantly). He's a pretty laidback guy who's easy to talk to but can sometimes be misinterpreted because of his dry and accentuated way of speaking and thinking. He's good willed and harmless.
While he's always had trouble reading because of apprehensive problems he's always had a thing for philosophy, and philosophizing. This is also a very important thing for him when it comes to music. He is a natural overthinker and music is one of the subjects.
Nature is also a very appealing thing to him, it's what drives his feelings into the very best version of themselves.