This song is perfect for listening to on a long evening drive. It's upbeat and funky, but also elegant and contemplative. Most of the songs I have on this playlist are lyrically happy, but the lyrics in this one tend toward the gloomy side. If you're like me, though, and you make room for existential musings from time to time, this is the perfect soundtrack for that.
San Fermin is on my list of bands I must see live one day. I'm a sucker for a good chamber pop/baroque pop band (a New Yorker article describes the band's sound as "a wall of flowers blooming at once," which I think is perfect) and I imagine they put on a killer live show.
You can learn more about San Fermin here:
About the curator - Becky Welch
Becky has been a music-obsessed, compulsive playlist maker and live music enthusiast for as long as she can remember. Few things delight her more than sharing music and geeking out with people who care as much about it as she does. She plays piano and “plays” the ukulele and guitar. She likes almost every genre but is mostly drawn to fun songs that make her dance with abandon.