I'm a huge Hans Zimmer fan - oh sure, his music is just nuts - beautifully put together and always matching the film perfectly - and aside from the fact that we both use the same DAW - what I love is that I made it into one of his scores! Ok - so - me and several thousand other lunatics spent a minute or two back in 2011 shouting Bah Sah Rah / Bah Sah Rah into our microphones so that our crowd sourced chant could be used in the soundtrack for The Dark Knight Returns! I don't even remember now whether it was used in the movie but it sure was fun at the time and just underlined for me what a dude Mr. Zimmer is!
This track is from the Inception soundtrack and was recommended by Adam Cann because in his words it's"
"Simply beautiful. It made me cry."
Thanks Adam - it is indeed beautiful!