Canozan, being one of the unique sounds of Turkey, continues to amaze. He is highly influenced by Turkish folk while he is successfully blending it with electronic elements but refusing to be chained to a specific genre. What’s going inside his head, goes to his songs. He released 38 songs so far and is planning to release an album consisting of acoustic songs.
The song, Transatlantik, is a collab with Deniz Tekin who is a singer-songwriter. Her voice adds a smooth flow to the song. Other than that, the electronic sounds create a dreamy atmosphere. This song reminds me of a Transatlantic ship flowing out in the space. Far away from trouble and commotion. The next time you listen to Canozan, think of distant lands and travel companionship.
You can learn more about Canozan here:
About the curator - Ada Bayramoglu
Ada is a high schooler from İstanbul who cannot be seen without her headphones. She is a “support your local” kind of girl who knows all the best places to drink coffee in her hometown. Her subconscious is full of “Turkish Classical Music”, which she has been listening to since she was born. She likes everlasting conversations with her friends about music and art. If you don’t know where she is just look at the nearest concert hall and she’ll be there.