With their Beatles-like outfits and John Lennon glasses, it can be understood at the very first glance that Flört is a band that is psychedelic. Creating songs in very different sounds, Flört successfully combines traditional melodies with rock patterns. They also use electronic and psychedelic elements in their songs.
One of the band members of Flört, Ata Akdağ, wrote this song for his father who passed away. This emotional song starts with a whistle-like folk melody and continues with rock elements. The electronic melodies that are spread throughout the song brings this song a psychedelic effect.
You can learn more about Flört here:
About the curator - Ada Bayramoglu
Ada is a high schooler from İstanbul who cannot be seen without her headphones. She is a “support your local” kind of girl who knows all the best places to drink coffee in her hometown. Her subconscious is full of “Turkish Classical Music”, which she has been listening to since she was born. She likes everlasting conversations with her friends about music and art. If you don’t know where she is just look at the nearest concert hall and she’ll be there.