For weeks now I've been trying to work a Ryan Adams track into the playlist, I suppose I could have thrown one in anywhere, but I've been waiting for an appropriate story or snippet to tie it back to the road... So
This week I'm on the move,.. a few hours North up the East Coast of Australia to the Sunshine Coast. It's been in the pipes for a decade plus, and as you all know life takes you down unexpected roads at times, and the move has beenput on the backburner.
For me the Region has always been my go to place, up until now even as a visitor I can relax, switch off, and enjoy the company of like minded loved ones where no one will judge and acceptance of all things is the norm -
Noosa is my Magnolia Mountain.
Art credit: Matthew Lineham
You can learn more about Ryan Adams here:
About the Curator - Chris Mccann:
Drawn to music from an early age, Chris' first album was The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations, a record he'd spent weeks saving up his pocket money for. Now after many years of second hand vinyl markets and countless concerts and festivals, Chris a painter and decorator by day, continues to chase the dragon for that next cool music discovery. Raised in Brisbane and now operating out of Noosa on Australia's sunshine coast, you can learn more about Chris at