When I first heard this song, from the moment it began, I felt immediate chills go throughout my body. The song begins with an interestingly warped sampled vocal, which acts as one of the key elements of the track throughout. This gives the track an immersive, mysteriously dark vibe.
The track then progresses smoothly through the first verse, carried by graceful vocals and a subtlety, yet effective composed, instrumental. This somewhat unassuming intro to the track, however, smoothly begins to change direction; as the song builds into the chorus, the intensity of the track grows, drawing the listener deeper into the immersive layers and textures of track. This progressive build up then swiftly drops to back to a calm atmosphere, as the track continues into the second verse. I feel this gives the track a continuous sense of urgency flows like water down a narrowing stream, desperately in search for the wide ocean.
This track will take you on a journey like no other and is a journey you do not want to miss.
You can learn more about WESLEE here:
About the curator - Andreas Whyte
My love for music has probably stemmed from listening to whatever music my mum played around the house. This has now grown to me spending a huge amount of my time searching and listening to various genres of music
Not long after I started expanding on my own interest in music, in April of 2015, I begin producing my own music, from which I have now began to gain a following for on music platforms such as Soundcloud and Audiomack, under my producer name ‘Afrosamuraiist’.
My love for music has always been there and now I feel I am ready to share this passion of mine with the world. So, to my fellow music lovers, join me on my search for more amazing music and let’s make our tastes in music grow together! 😊